Filter the Library Resources Shown

Click Filter to search for resources based on search criteria.

Supply one or more search values, and then click Search.

Search Criteria

Field Description
Resource Name

Enter all or part of the resource name.


Enter keywords that might appear in the resource description.


Enter all or part of the author’s name.


Enter all or part of the co-author’s name.


Enter all of part of a book’s ISBN (International Standards Book Number). Each edition and publication type (e-book, paperback, hardcover, and so on) has a unique ISBN.

Publisher (Publication Year)

Enter all or part of the publisher’s name and/or enter the year of publication.

Resource Type

Select the medium used to deliver the resource (audio book, book, and so on).

Presentation Method

Select the mode of delivery (instructor led, self-paced, and so on).


Select the competency (communication skills, adaptability, and so on) that an employee should expect to gain from using this resource.